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Miguel Ángel Font Bisier: teacher at courses, postgraduate courses and masterclasses

If you are interested in learning more about video marketing, fashion film, audiovisual accessibility, inclusive cinema, and other topics related to audiovisual communication, you might want to check out the courses, postgraduate courses and masterclasses that Miguel Ángel Font Bisier has taught.

Miguel Ángel Font Bisier is a filmmaker, teacher and consultant who specializes in creating immersive and accessible audiovisual experiences that appeal to the five senses. He has been recognized internationally for his work in fashion film, multisensory cinema and inclusive cinema. He has also collaborated with prestigious institutions such as the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Wellesley College, the Centro Cultural Español de Buenos Aires and The Walt Disney Company Argentina. Here is a list of some of the courses, postgraduate courses and masterclasses that Miguel Ángel Font Bisier has offered.

First steps – 2012/2017:

– Masterclass in the Video Marketing VET course (June 2012): In this masterclass, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier shared his experience and knowledge on how to use video as a powerful marketing tool for different purposes and audiences.

– Fashion Film Masterclass at Valencia Fashion Week (October 2014): In this masterclass, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier explained the concept and characteristics of fashion film, a genre that combines cinema and fashion in a creative and innovative way.

– Masterclass at the Sant Cugat Fantàstic Film Festival on short films and special effects (July 2016): In this masterclass, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier talked about his short films, which combine science fiction, horror, and drama with impressive visual effects.

– Masterclass at La Misericordia Training Center on Communicative Mediation and Audiovisual Accessibility (February 2017): In this masterclass, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier introduced the concept and importance of audiovisual accessibility for people with sensory disabilities, such as deafness or blindness. He also presented some of his projects that incorporate accessibility features, such as subtitles, sign language, audio description, or haptic feedback.

– Masterclass on accessibility and technology at Kinépolis VLC (October 2017): In this masterclass, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier showed some of the latest technological developments that can enhance the audiovisual experience for people with sensory disabilities, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, or binaural sound.

Inclusive cinema – 2018/2019:

– Course on accessibility in English for the Catholic University of Valencia (February 2018): In this course, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier taught how to create accessible audiovisual content in English for people with sensory disabilities. He also discussed some of the challenges and opportunities of audiovisual translation and localization in different languages and cultures.

– XMILE Masterclass at Digital Jove (May 2018): In this masterclass, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier presented his project XMILE, a transmedia story that combines cinema, music, technology and the five senses. He also explained how he used accessibility features as narrative elements to create an immersive and inclusive storyworld.

– SGAE Course on Accessible and Inclusive Cinema (November 2018): In this course, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier taught how to apply the principles and techniques of accessible and inclusive cinema to different audiovisual genres and formats. He also shared some of his experiences and insights on working with actors with disabilities.

– Masterclass on Blues Time at Digital Jove (May 2019): In this masterclass, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier talked about his project Blues Time, a musical short film that pays tribute to the blues genre. He also discussed how he used music as a universal language to connect with different audiences and cultures.

– Course «Inclusive Cinema: A New Way to Create Film Projects for All» at the Spanish Cultural Center in Lima, Peru (August 2019): In this course,
Miguel Ángel Font Bisier introduced the concept and practice of inclusive cinema, a new way of making films that considers the diversity and needs of all people. He also showed some examples of inclusive cinema projects from
different countries and contexts.

– Coordination and programming of the Expert Degree in Inclusive Communication at Cardenal Herrera CEU University (November 2019): In this expert degree program, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier (with professor Josep Solves) coordinated and programmed a series of modules that covered topics such as inclusive journalism, inclusive education, inclusive advertising, inclusive art, and inclusive culture. He also invited several experts and professionals from different fields and sectors to share their knowledge and experience on inclusive communication.

PhD years 2020-2023:

– Professor of Audio Description in the Master’s Degree in Audiovisual Translation at the Universidad Europea (academic years 2019-2023): In this master’s degree program, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier taught how to create audio descriptions for different types of audiovisual products, such as films, series, documentaries, etcetera. He also covers topics such as voice-over techniques, script writing, quality standards, and ethical issues.

– 30-hour course for CEFIRE Inclusion Valencia: «Inclusion – From Cinema to the Classroom” (April 2021): In this course, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier taught how to use cinema as a tool for inclusion and social change in the educational context. He also provided practical examples and resources on how to create and use accessible and inclusive audiovisual materials in the classroom.

– Masterclass «Audiovisual Accessibility: Where Do We Come From and Where Are We Going?» in the subject CA0940 Tècniques de Producció de Doblatge i Subtitulació, of the Audiovisual Communication degree at the Universitat Jaume I (October 2021): In this masterclass, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier gave an overview of the history and evolution of audiovisual accessibility, from its origins to its current trends and challenges. He also analyzed some of the best practices and examples of audiovisual accessibility in different media and platforms.

– Masterclass «Discovering Inclusive Filmmaking» at Radio City (November 2021): In this masterclass, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier explained what inclusive cinema is and how it can benefit both the film industry and the society. He also shared some of his tips and tricks on how to create inclusive film projects that are original, engaging, and meaningful for all.

– Lecture-presentation of the book «Journey to the Heart of a Painting» at the Jornades per la Inclusió of the Universitat de València (December 2021): In this lecture-presentation, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier presented his book «Journey to the Heart of a Painting», an essay on how to audio describe art. He also talked about his creative process and his motivation for writing books that combine literature, art, and accessibility.

– 12-hour course for CEFIRE Inclusion of Valencia: «The Universal Art of Describing», organized by Cefire Inclusiva (April-May 2022): In this course, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier taught how to describe different types of visual content, such as images, paintings, sculptures, or comics, for people who are blind or have low vision. He also discussed some of the benefits and challenges of describing art and culture for different audiences and purposes.

– Masterclass «Cinema With the Five Senses» at the Faculty of Communication of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (May 2022): In this masterclass, he taught how to use sound, music, color, lighting, smell and touch to create immersive and emotional films that engaged the audience. He also explained how to apply sensory cinema techniques to different genres and formats, such as documentary, fiction, animation and VR.

– Teacher of Acting for Film at Totart School of Performing Arts (November 2022 to June 2023): In this course, he taught how to act for the camera, how to develop a character, how to work with the director and how to prepare for auditions. He also practiced different acting styles and methods, such as realism, expressionism, improvisation and comedy. The students learned how to act for film.

– Acting and film teacher for teenagers at Totart School of Performing Arts (November 2022 to June 2023): In this course, he introduced teenagers to the world of film and acting. He taught them how to write scripts, how to use cameras and editing software, how to act for film and how to create their own short films.

– Professor of Film Comedy at Totart School of Performing Arts (November 2022 – June 2023): In this course, he explored the history, theory and practice of film comedy. He analyzed different types of comedy, such as slapstick, satire, parody and romantic comedy. He also taught how to write funny scripts, how to direct comedic actors and how to use humor as a tool for social criticism.

– Masterclass «Inclusive Cinema» at Wellesley College (March 2023): In this masterclass, he taught what inclusive cinema is and why it is so relevant to work on accessibility from the very start of each project: the script. He also taught how to create films that were accessible and enjoyable for people with different abilities, preferences and backgrounds. He also taught how to use subtitles, audio description, sign language, sensory elements and interactive features to make films more inclusive.

– Masterclass «Inclusive Cinema and Tools for Teaching» for both groups of the second year of the Primary Education Teacher Degree. Subject: Special Educational Needs (May 2023): In this masterclass, he taught how to use inclusive cinema as a tool for teaching children with special educational needs. He also taught how to adapt teaching methods and materials to the needs and interests of the students. He also taught how to use film as a way to promote diversity, inclusion and empathy in the classroom.

– Consultancy to the Centro Cultural Español de Buenos Aires on how to create inclusive exhibitions (September 2023): In this consultancy project, he advised the Centro Cultural Español de Buenos Aires on how to design and organize exhibitions that were accessible and engaging for people with different abilities, preferences and backgrounds. He also helped them implement sensory elements, interactive features and educational activities that enhanced the exhibition experience.

– Consultancy to The Walt Disney Company Argentina on how to create inclusive audiovisual projects from the script of the play (September 2023): In this consultancy project, he helped The Walt Disney Company Argentina create inclusive audiovisual projects based on their theatrical productions.

– 30-hour course «Script, Production and Distribution: The Leap from Accessible to Inclusive» for the Castilla-La Mancha Regional Teacher Training Center (October 2023): In this course, he taught how to create inclusive audiovisual projects from start to finish. He also taught how to write scripts that were accessible and inclusive. He also explained how to distribute films in different platforms and formats that reached a wider and more diverse audience.

Looking for more?

Are you looking for a way to improve your skills in film, acting, comedy or inclusive cinema? Do you want to learn from one of the most innovative and creative filmmakers in Spain? If you are interested in any of these courses, postgraduate courses or masterclasses, you can contact Miguel Ángel Font Bisier through his website, his social media accounts or his email. You can also check his portfolio and his blog to see some of his previous works and projects. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from one of the most innovative and creative filmmakers in Spain!

As you can see, Miguel Ángel Font Bisier has a lot of experience and expertise in audiovisual communication, especially in the fields of accessibility and inclusion. If you want to learn more about his work and projects, you can visit his website or follow him on social media @mangelfont. You can also contact him at if you have any questions or suggestions.