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What inclusion has taught me: A life-changing story (Chapter 1)


My name is Miguel Ángel Font Bisier and I am a Spanish film director, scriptwriter and a researcher.
Although I started my art career playing the violin for 20 years, I have always been in love with the Seventh Art, and here is one of the biggest reasons why:

Cinema is the only craft that is able to incorporate all the other six arts -architecture, sculpture, painting, music, dance and poetry/literature. Therefore, I am able to intertwine a variety of diverse techniques and disciplines in my works, in order to look for the best way to share my stories with the audience.

Image 1: Shooting fashion film HERAION. By Leticia Reig.

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Galería: formación, proyecciones y eventos internacionales 1

El equipo de ha viajado en muchas ocasiones para expandir la filosofía de un cine que tenga en cuenta cada vez a un mayor sector del público. Esta galería fotográfica recoge estos viajes (por ejemplo, a México y a Perú), talleres y presentaciones realizadas entre 2017 y 2019.

Más información AQUÍ.

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Galería XMILE 1: Fotografía fija del cortometraje (noviembre de 2014)

Primera galería de imágenes del cortometraje accesible y multisensorial XMILE, escrito y dirigido por Miguel Ángel Font Bisier.

Fotografías de Claudia Marconell. Concept art y diseños de Juan Antonio Valverde.

Más información sobre el cortometraje, AQUÍ.

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Ten years of filmmaking and research

This is a two-part divided presentation of Miguel Ángel Font Bisier‘s work as an inclusive film director, scriptwriter and researcher. We hope that you enjoy it!


Miguel Ángel Font Bisier - film director presentation



Miguel Ángel Font Bisier - film director presentation

About the author.

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What inclusion has taught me: A life-changing story

What inclusion has taught me: A life-changing story