Etiqueta: boston university
Cine inclusivo en Estados Unidos, parte 2 (Boston University)
En este artículo vamos a contaros cómo ha sido la segunda parte de nuestro viaje a la costa este de los Estados Unidos. Puedes leer la primera en este enlace.
Boston University, día 1 (16-03-2023)
Antes de nada, queremos agradecer a Elena Carrión, María Datel y a la Universidad de Boston que nos hayan dado la oportunidad de viajar tan lejos para presentar nuestras investigaciones. Con Elena y María ya habíamos colaborado en años anteriores, pero siempre a través de Zoom y otras plataformas.
Este año ha sido diferente, y la verdad es que lo que han conseguido montar ha sido espectacular.
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Modeling Accessibility and Inclusivity through film-making
Contributed by Elena Carrión Guerrero (Senior Lecturer, Spanish, Department of Romance Studies, CAS, at the Boston University).
1 – Introduction
«In my spring class, LS 306 Spanish through Translation, I was fortunate to receive a grant from the Hub Course Enhancement fund to invite Miguel Ángel Font Bisier, the Spanish filmmaker, screenwriter, and researcher, to speak with my students about accessibility and inclusivity in film-making.
The conversation, entirely conducted in Spanish between my students and our speaker, was extremely inspiring. Miguel Ángel initiated his presentation, engaging the students from the very beginning, by asking them why there was still so much to work on to achieve inclusion in our society. He then presented the different models we live in (traditional, hybrid, or inclusive) drawing on different examples not just pertaining to the cultural world, but also to the fields that students are majoring in.
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